Conferentie, Woo

VVOJ conference: register today!

The registration for the VVOJ’s festive jubilee conference has begun. All journalists, members and non-members, can register for the special international edition of the association’s conference, labelled the European Investigative Journalism Conference, due to take place on November 16 and 17, 2012. This year, the Plantijn Academy in Antwerp is hosting the Dutch-Flemish Association for investigative journalists VVOJ, which is celebrating its tenth anniversary in 2012.

The VVOJ European Investigative Journalism conference is the biggest annual event for investigative journalists in Flanders and the Netherlands. This year, the theme conference is ‘The power to investigate’ – one eye towards Europe and the other towards datajournalism.

Among others, there will be an extended track of international European investigative stories. Also, there will be a number of workshops focusing entirely on new techniques of data collection, visualisation, processing and presentation. One of the datavisualisation experts who committed himself as a keynote speaker to the conference, is Geoff McGhee (Stanford University).

The special edition of the conference – celebrating the VVOJ’s 10th anniversary – will also be of great value to junior researchers, freelancers, and experts in local investigative stories and crowdsourcing. Participants will also team up with colleagues interested in particular investigative themes. Needless to say, the WOB – Freedom of Information Act – will also take a prominent place in our workshops and trainings.

The special data journalism one-day bootcamp on November 15 (one day before the opening of EIJC) will be hosted by Jennifer Lafleur (Pro Publica) and David Donald (Center for Public Integrity), classes will be taught at beginners and advanced level. Special registration (30€ for conference participants) is required.

Professionals who register before August 15, will pay the reduced early bird fee of 175 euros. Those who register after this date, will pay the regular fee of 210 euros. Students pay the reduced student’s fee of 99 euros (excluding the dinner).

Do not wait any longer and apply here.

You can go here to read more about the 2012 conference. Are you curious about the VVOJ conference but do you first want to know more? Then check out our conference archives.

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