Conferentie, Kenniscentrum

CAR Programme

Working with data and publishing on the web: brand new CAR-features in Brussels

VVOJ takes a different turn in Brussels: while governments slam their doors on reporters, warehouses full of data in Europe welcome dedicated diggers as never before. That’s why the computer training (CAR) sessions in Brussels will be packed with tools and techniques for gathering, analyzing and publishing data.

Also new and promising: investigative journalists who publish their stories / reports on the Internet. For some it is a way to publish additions to stories they covered for their paper or TV-station. For others, it is an escape from the ‘njet’ they keep hearing from traditional media that don’t want to invest in in-depth journalism. How to reach an audience on the web? There are CAR-classes to teach you how.

Friday November 21st

  1. The Investigators Toolbox – 2.00 PM
  2. Demonstration LexisNexis – 2.00PM
  3. Domain games – 2.00 PM
  4. CSI Internet – 2.00 PM
  5. Put it in a box – 2.00 PM
  6. Top Tools & Techniques – 3.45 PM
  7. Digging for global data – 3.45 PM
  8. Build your own website – 3.45 PM
  9. Webscraping – 3.45 PM
  10. Online polling – 3.45 PM

Saturday November 22nd

  1. Online social networking – 9.00 AM
  2. Invisible reporting – 9.00 AM
  3. Top Tools & Techniques – 9.00 AM
  4. A personal search engine – 9.00 AM
  5. Source mapping – 10.45 AM
  6. What meets the eye – 10.45 AM
  7. Stay tuned – 10.45 AM
  8. News on a map – 10.45 AM
  9. Connecting the dots – 10.45 AM
  10. Top Tools & Techniques – 2.00 PM
  11. How to survive the EU information jungle? – 2.00 PM
  12. A personal search engine – 2.00 PM
  13. Demonstration Caspio Bridge (managers track) – 2.00 PM

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De onderzoeksjournalistiek bloeit, dat bleek wel tijdens de wederom uitverkochte VVOJ Conferentie 2024. Maar liefst 500 deelnemers waren vrijdag 15 en zaterdag 16 november bijeen in de prachtige locatie De Doelen in Rotterdam. Bijna twee keer zoveel als een paar jaar geleden.

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