Conferentie, Kenniscentrum


NATO and the security blanket that is used to stifle media
Brussels boasts its place as the news capital of the world. But the reality is that journalist have to navigate their way through sophisticated systems of control of information, set by governements, lobbyists and security agencies. Aidan White, who has been for 20 years working in these threatures journalistic waters, will explain the challenges for journalists, and how to overcome spindoctors who try to controle all the information that is getting out from Europe. In particulary, he will focus on the NATO and the security blanket that is used to try to stifle media. White is the General Secretary of the International Federation of Journalists since 1987.

Speaker: Aidan White
Moderator: Jan Balliauw

When? Saturday November 22st, 2.00 PM
Where? Erasmushogeschool, Room 3.15

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