Cross-border journalism: opportunities or problems?
Few journalists collaborate in investigative projects while working in different European member states. Investigative Reporters Network Europe tries to stimulate cross-border projects by organizing concrete cross-border laboratory experiments. In many fields the situation indeed differs from country to country. Is in such a context cross-border collaboration still possible? Is it fruitful? What are the opportunities of cross-border investigative projects? What are the problems? Do the positive results outweigh the difficulties involved? Danish journalist Brigitte Alfter, Dutch journalist Joop Bouma and Belgian journalist Marleen Teugels joined effort for more than a year in an investigative project with a special focus on the pharmaceutical sector. The three shall reveal to you what their most important ‘lessons’ learnt’ are as to make future cross-border projects even more successful.
Speakers: Brigitte Alfter, Joop Bouma, Marleen Teugels
Moderator: Miro Lucassen
When? Saturday November 22st, 10.45 AM
Where? Erasmushogeschool, Room 3.15