Conferentie, Woo

Round table sessions: Wobbing

Wobbing EuropeFriday November 21st

Round table: Wobbing(*) in Europe 1 – 11.15 AM (!)
Among the participants are invited some of the most active wobbers in Europe. They’ll present their stories and recent cases. The aim is to compare situations, what are the obstacles, what are the possibilities, what were the good stories.

1st round of presentations – 11.15 AM (!) – Erasmushogeschool, Room 3.18
How to choose the right wob: Wobbing EU-institutions – Brigitte Alfter
If the EU doesn’t give access, we could go to Sweden – Staffan Dahllöf
Three comparably new laws – how important is an investigative attitude / management preconditions / matured knowledge on tactics and litigation:
Estonia – Tarmo Vahter, Germany – Hans-Martin Tillack, Romania – Adrian Mogos and Doru Cobuz, Britain – Martin Rosenbaum

Round table: Wobbing(*) in Europe 2 – 02.00 PM
2nd round of presentations – 02.00 PM – Erasmushogeschool, Room 3.18
* Struggle for information in “difficult” countries
Rosen Bosev, Genka Dobrinova, Bulgaria
Marleen Teugels, Belgium
Eva Vajda, Hungary

* Struggle for information in “traditional” countries
Hanna Ruokangas, Susanna Reinboth, Finland
Morten Halskov, Denmark
Per Anders Johansen, Norway
Roger Vleugels, Netherlands – imperious and moresecretive government styles,  some test cases about the Royal family and about Iraq

Moderator: Brigitte Alfter

Wobbing Europe – Wobbing(*) in Europe 3 – 03.45 PM – Room 3.13
Using the Wob as a journalistic tool. Good stories on European level aswell and an introduction on how to use the EU-Wob.
Moderator: Karel Platteau
Speaker: Brigitte Alfter

Saturday November 22nd

Wobbing tactics (Wobbing in Europe 4) – 9.00 AM – Room 3.18
How to develop tactics for a wob-request? Good requests need more than just the text of the law. Get inspired by Roger Vleugels and let’s all debate options.

Moderator: Roger Vleugels and Brigitte Alfter

Panel session Wobbing(*) in Europe 5 – 10.45 AM – Room 3.13
Cross border journalism on pharmaceuticals
– including wob-requests in Denmark, Belgium, the Netherlands and on EU-level.
Moderator: Miro Lucassen
Speaker: Marleen Teugels, Joop Bouma, Brigitte Alfter

Round table, Future ideas Wobbing(*) in Europe 6 – 2.00 PM – Room 3.18
Open discussion – on wobbing in Europe. Should we – for example – cooperate on some stories? Are there fields of interest, we could look into together?
Moderators: Brigitte Alfter, Roger Vleugels, Karel Platteau

(*) Wobbing = (verb, Dutch journalist slang) getting documents through Freedom of Information legislation.
Etymology: Wet Openbaarheid van Bestuur, abbreviation WOB

This wobbing-track is made possible thanks to VVOJ, Wobbing Europe and Open Society Institute.

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