
Travelling to Eindhoven

By air
International participants to the VVOJ Conference may fly to Amsterdam Schiphol Airport or Eindhoven International Airport. From Schiphol, you may take a direct train to Eindhoven central station (approximately one hour travel time). From Eindhoven Airport, buses 103, 145, or 401 will take you directly to Eindhoven Central Station. Check the Eindhoven Airport website for more information. Other airports in the area are Maastricht-Aachen Airport, Brussels Airport and Liege Airport.

By car or public transportation from the Netherlands
The Fontys Hogeschool provides a road planner. Just fill out your point of departure and the website will tell you how to drive and/or which trains and buses to take.

By car or public transportation from Belgium
Take the E34 highway from Antwerp in the direction of Turnhout/Eindhoven. The total distance is 90 km. If you travel by public transportation, then take the train from Antwerp to Dordrecht and transfer in the direction of Eindhoven – travel time two hours in totel. For more information, take a look at the Belgische Railways website.

map of Eindhoven and the Fontys Hogeschool campus
Due to appear on this website shortly.

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