
Deense journalisten in beroep en op VVOJ congres

De Deense journalisten Kjeld Hansen en Nils Mulvad gaan in hoger beroep tegen hun veroordeling eerder dit jaar. In mei 2014 werden de twee veroordeeld voor het met identificeren van enkele boerderijen waar de MRSA-bacterie zou huishouden, we schreven er eerder al over. Nu is besloten dat de journalisten in beroep gaan tegen hun veroordeling en boete. Lees hieronder het hele bericht.

Mulvad komt op de VVOJ-conferentie in Kortrijk vertellen over hun onderzoek, de druk van buitenaf en hoe om te gaan met een veroordeling.


Journalists appeal verdict over MRSA stories

Danish journalists Kjeld Hansen and Nils Mulvad now appeal the verdict for publishing the names of pig farms infected
with the dangerous pig bacteria MRSA. The verdict from May 2014 was for five daily fines of 500 DKK for both
Kjeld Hansen and Nils Mulvad. The punishment is so small that such a verdict  usually can not be appealed in Denmark.

Lawyer Tyge Trier, who proceeded the case in District Court in Aarhus, has therefore requested the Appeals Permission Board
(Procesbevillingsnævnet) for permission to appeal the principal part of the judgment. That was allowed in a decision of 12th September
2014. This means that the case now is appealed.

Kjeld Hansen and Nils Mulvad were indicted and sentenced because they wrote two people on an identified pig farm, Pindstoftegård in Tommerup on the island of Funen, were infected with the MRSA bacteria. Nils Mulvad did not specify who the two persons were, but anonymized the information in the article.

The website Aabenhedstinget published the article on 21 October 2010 with evidence that some of those infected in 12 named pig farms were
the owners of the farms. After a week Nils Mulvad in cooperation with Kjeld Hansen anonymised the story, and it is this anonymised version of the article, which has been on the website since October 2010, that is still there.

Lawyer Tyge Trier proceeded in the district court for dismissal of Kjeld Hansen and Nils Mulvad, but the judge sentenced the
two for -according to the court- anonymity was not sufficient, and also Kjeld Hansen for the unfinished version of the article that mistakenly was available for one week.

There is not yet set a date for the proceedings before the High Court.

Here is this story in Danish with links to relevant documentation:

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