After successfully finishing athenaeum at the Waldorf School, Floor (1989) studied Audiovisual Design at the Willem de Kooning Academy in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
Here she showed a preference for a very visual style of filmmaking over films driven by dialogue and interviews. She is driven to make independent experimental films and documentary films. A goal she set herself at an early age.
Her motivation and interest in making experimental and short films is rewarded with viewings of her work on annual cultural events in the Netherlands. In collaboration with a co-student, she won the jury price by filmmaker Jos Stelling of the festival 15 minutes of fame. Her graduation film Jij&Ik (You&I) was shown on multiple festivals in Europe.
After the second year at the Willem de Kooning Acadamy, Floor attended the School of Visual Arts in New York City, were she enrolled in philosophy courses, video art, interactive design and directing actors. A well rewarded experience. Also she enrolled in several internships with film directors and production companies.
In 2012, Floor graduated from the Willem de Kooning Academy. After graduation she worked as an assistant director for documentary filmmaker Klaartje Qurijns and other Dutch film directors. She worked on video art related projects and developed the short documentary Bekerrapers (The Cup Collectors) with production company KeyDocs. In 2014 she made her international debut as a documentary filmmaker with Paradijsbestormers (Storming Paradise) in collaboration with production company KeyDocs and BNN.
Persoonlijke website Floor van der Meulen
Floor van der Meulen op LinkedIn