Marianne Falck is an investigative journalist, filmmaker and writer. She works for public German television channels like BR, mdr and ZDF. She is also a writer and consultant for film production companies.
In addition, she publishes regularly for the well-renowned daily newspaper “Süddeutsche Zeitung”. Her main interests are in economics (food and lobbyism), science and society.
She studied communication science, political science and sociology in Germany and the Netherlands earning a full “Huygens” scholarship from the Dutch state. After taking the Screenwriter’s class at the Academy for Film & TV Dramaturgy in Munich, she completed an international career training at Warner Bros., USA in 2010 with a scholarship by the German Federal Film Board FFA. Marianne also published the booklet on the Academy Award winning film “The Lives of Others” (Bundeszentrale für Politische Bildung, 2006).
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