Hoe worden schooldata gebruikt?
Een (uiteraard onvolledig maar leuk en afwisselend) lijstje van internationale (al dan niet journalistieke) voorbeelden, na een oproep via een mailinglijst van de Open Knowledge Foundation:
- The opportunity gap, by ProPublica : http://projects.propublica.org/schools
- http://datadrivenjournalism.net/featured_projects/safeschools_investigation_seismic_safety_assessment_Italian_Schools
- WNYC’s SchoolBook: http://data.schoolbook.org
- LA Times Value-Added Teacher Ratings: http://projects.latimes.com/value-added/
- Atlanta Journal-Constitution Cheating Our Children: http://m.ajc.com/news/cheating-our-children/districts/
- https://rte.socialcops.org. It is one of the projects done by SocialCops (socialcops.com) in India to aggregate the data of schools at a district level. The major use case of this visualization is to help the government and the decision makers make better decisions and investments.
- the use of public education data for journalism from the Philippines by TJ Palanca: http://www.jumbodumbothoughts.com/2014/04/data-primer-education.html
- On citizen based auditing of open government data there’s also: http://openschoolskenya.org/
- Silk Media meldt: We actually built this one ourselves and it was picked up in a bunch of locations (CNN, Atlantic, Vox). This is school district and city level data on Kindergarten vaccinations from the California Department of Public Health. http://california-vaccination-rates.silk.co/
- In Brazil, there is Qedu http://www.qedu.org.br/. Data on school census and other sources
- And this one is from India, Bangalore (Karnataka Learning Partnership):
https://klp.org.in/ (don’t forget to check the map: https://klp.org.in/map) - Palmarès des noms d’écoles, by Le Monde http://www.lemonde.fr/les-decodeurs/article/2015/04/18/de-jules-ferry-a-pierre-perret-l-etonnant-palmares-des-noms-d-ecoles-de-colleges-et-de-lycees-en-france_4613091_4355770.html
- “on shaky ground”, by CaliforniaWatch : http://www.lemonde.fr/les-decodeurs/article/2015/04/18/de-jules-ferry-a-pierre-perret-l-etonnant-palmares-des-noms-d-ecoles-de-colleges-et-de-lycees-en-france_4613091_4355770.html
This is Australian school data: http://www.smh.com.au/national/education/school-report-2015 for NSW and its counterpart for Victoria on theage.com.au