
Erik Wesselius

In 1994, after some years as a freelance journalist and running a small IT business, Erik Wesselius took up a long-standing interest in politics and started working on the issue of corporate power and EU democracy. Erik was one of the organisers of the Amsterdam “Summit from Below”, a counter-summit parallel to the Amsterdam EU Summit in June 1997. In that same year, together with Bele’n Balanya, Ann Doherty and Olivier Hoedeman, he founded Corporate Europe Observatory (CEO), and he has been with CEO since. Being critical of the current EU, but a proponent of intensive European political cooperation, he was active in the campaign for a Dutch No against the EU Constitution. Currently the main focus of his work is on the campaign for EU lobbying transparency and he is member of the steering committee of the Alliance for Lobbying Transparency and Ethics Europe, ALTER-EU.

Erik Wesselius graduated in Biology at Utrecht University, the Netherlands in 1989.

EU Lobbying

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