André Mikkers

André Mikkers (1965) is sinds 2002 partner bij PricewaterhouseCoopers Advisory, afdeling Dispute Analysis & Investigations die zich voornamelijk bezighoudt met onderzoeken op het gebied van fraude en integriteit alsmede juridische geschillen. André Mikkers studeerde Information Management en Accountancy en heeft ruim 15 jaar ervaring als fraudeonderzoeker. Hij is initiatiefnemer en gastheer van de Kenniskring Fraude […]

Dirk Voorhoof

Dirk Voorhoof is hoogleraar aan de Universiteit Gent en de Universiteit van Kopenhagen waar hij o.a. de vakken mediarecht, auteursrecht en journalistieke deontologie doceert. Hij werkt mee aan verschillende juridische publicaties, waaronder Auteurs & Media (Larcier), Mediaforum (Otto Cramwinckel, Amsterdam) en De Juristenkrant (Kluwer). Hij was lid van de federale Commissie voor de Toegang tot […]

John Bones (English)

John Bones (Norway) is editor with the populuar Norwegian daily newspaper Verdens Gang, een populair dagblad. Links: LinkedIn profile

Deborah Cohen (English)

Deborah Cohen – not to be confused with her journalistic colleague and namesake is editor of the scientificBritish Medical Journal. Links: Biography Deborah Cohen at BMJ WHO and the pandemic flu conspiracies, story by Deborah Cohen, BMJ, 2010

Paul Bradshaw (English)

Paul Bradshaw leads the MA Online Journalism at Birminingham City University and also teaches online journalism at City University in London. He previously made a career as editor of a variety of magazines and the Online Journalism Blog. Paul Bradshaw founded Help Me Investigate – a platform recruiting the public in journalistic investigations, Internet Monthly […]

Stephen Engelberg (English)

Stephen Engelberg is managing editor of Pro Publica. Previously he worked for The Oregonian in Portland and The New York Times. At the NYT, he worked among others as correspondent in Warsaw, Poland, shortly after the fall of the Iron Curtain. Stephen Engelberg works primarily as an investigative journalist. He received the George Polk award […]

Vadim Lavrusik (English)

Russian-born Vadim Lavrusik is affiliated with the Columbia School of Journalism (where he teaches Social Media Journalism Skills) and the popular US social news website Mashable. Lavrusik, who studied journalism at the City University of Minnesota (BA, 2009) and Columbia University, (MSc, 2010) calls himself a “digital storyteller”‘. Lavrusik is specialized in social media and […]

David Donald (English)

David Donaldis affiliated with the Center for Public Integrity, where he is responsible for the Computer Assisted Reporting (CAR) department. He focuses primarily on financial and economic themes and analyses home sale data. David Donald also develops new methods to analyse data with the aim of exposing fraude and government abuse. He has received several […]

Elena Egawhary (English)

Elena Egawhary is a Britisch journalist and researcher who works, among others, for BBC, The Guardian and The New Statesman. She is an experienced Computer Assisted Reporting (CAR) trainer. She often uses Excel and Access in her research. Elena Egawhary has doen extensive research about British Youth Care. Links: Biography, Center for Investigative Journalism

Paul Lewis (English)

Paul Lewis is special projects editor with The Guardian. Paul Lewis – not to be confused with his namesake and BBC-colleague – was named best reporter of the year at the British Press Awards 2010. He was also awarded the Best Use of Citizen Journalism prize at the Newspaper Awards 2010. A year before, he […]