VVOJ onderzoekt Wet Openbaarheid van Bestuur

Deze week start de VVOJ een onderzoek naar het functioneren van de Wet Openbaarheid van Bestuur (WOB) in de journalistieke praktijk. Aanleiding voor het onderzoek zijn signalen van (onderzoeks)journalisten over knelpunten bij het opvragen van gegevens met behulp van de WOB.

Weblog Bigwobber wil WOB-kennis delen

‘Wie vraagt, krijgt meer’ is de leuze van Bigwobber, een nieuw weblog speciaal gewijd aan de Wet Openbaarheid van Bestuur (WOB). Journalist Brenno de Winter wil kennis en WOB-ervaringen delen en zet naast de WOB-verzoeken ook zoveel mogelijk bezwaar- en beroepsschriften online. De onderwerpen lopen uiteen van het Handboek Consulaire Zaken en Personenverkeer tot de […]

Bestuurswissel VVOJ

Tijdens de Algemene Ledenvergadering die op 22 november 2008 in Brussel plaatsvond, nam de VVOJ afscheid van het laatste bestuurslid dat nog bij de oprichting in 2002 aanwezig was. Ides Debruyne

Wobbing in Europe

European Investigative Journalism Conference 2008 Workshop: Wobbing in Europe Speaker: Brigitte Alfter Date: November 21, 2008 Reporter: Jaap Nienhuis The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) legislation in the European Union varies from country to country. Brigitte Alfter, editor-in-chief of Wobbing.eu compares the situation in Germany to that of Sweden and gives some advise on how […]

Life of a European Mandarin

European Investigative Journalism Conference 2008 Workshop: Life of a European Mandarin Speaker: Derk-Jan Eppink Date: November 22, 2008 Reporter: Ole Aabenhus Journalists should do their utmost to specialize themselves in a certain area and know their specialty inside out to be able to ask the best questions, says Derk-Jan Eppink, author of A Mandarin in […]

Wobbing Europe

European Investigative Journalism Conference 2008 Workshop: Wobbing Europe Speaker: Brigitte Alfter Date: 21 november 2008 Reporter: Arno Kersten A Dutch word is squeezing itself into English vocabulary: to wob. Wobbing refers to ‘wob’, short for ‘Wet Openbaarheid van Bestuur’, which is the freedom of information act. So Wobbing in journalism slang means: using a freedom […]

Keynote speech PM Kris Peeters, Flanders

European Investigative Journalism Conference 2008 Keynote speech PM Kris Peeters, Flanders Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to welcome you to this first edition of the European Investigative Journalism Conference. It is a great pleasure for me, as Flemish Minister-President and Flemish Minister for Media, to be your host here in Flanders. For our region […]

Veel media-aandacht voor Brussel 2008

De European Investigative Journalism Conference die de VVOJ op 21 en 22 november in Brussel organiseerde kreeg veel aandacht in Belgische, Nederlandse en andere Europese media.

Wobbing your way into Europe’s secrets

COUNTDOWN TO BRUSSELS 2008 News surfacing through freedom of information legislation (aka ‘wobbing’) is no exception. Journalists from all over Europe will be sharing their wobbing experiences during the European Investigative Journalism Conference in Brussels. “Through wobbing you can get out documents that you else most likely would not get”, said Copenhagen based German born […]

“Who has power, who doesn’t and who’s loosing it?”

Interview with Mark Schapiro, speaker at European Investigative Journalism Conference, Brussels BRUSSELS, 10/10/2008. “Hold the power and use it to reveal things, … the power is increasingly in Brussels, and that is why this conference is extremely important.” – says Mark Schapiro author of the book Exposed – The Toxic Chemistry of Everyday Products and […]