Milieuseminar Europese journalisten

Journalisten uit de Europese Unie worden uitgenodigd zich aan te melden voor een speciaal milieu-seminar georganiseerd door het European Journalism Centre in Brussel. Het seminar vindt plaats van

Investigative journalism in Europe (2005)

This is the full version of the report Investigative Journalism in Europe. Dick van Eijk (ed.) VVOJ, Amsterdam, 2005. ISBN 90-808046-6-5.  Below is the report index.

Life of a European Mandarin

European Investigative Journalism Conference 2008 Workshop: Life of a European Mandarin Speaker: Derk-Jan Eppink Date: November 22, 2008 Reporter: Ole Aabenhus Journalists should do their utmost to specialize themselves in a certain area and know their specialty inside out to be able to ask the best questions, says Derk-Jan Eppink, author of A Mandarin in […]

Wobbing Europe

European Investigative Journalism Conference 2008 Workshop: Wobbing Europe Speaker: Brigitte Alfter Date: 21 november 2008 Reporter: Arno Kersten A Dutch word is squeezing itself into English vocabulary: to wob. Wobbing refers to ‘wob’, short for ‘Wet Openbaarheid van Bestuur’, which is the freedom of information act. So Wobbing in journalism slang means: using a freedom […]

EU lobbying: throwing light on the hidden decision-making of the European Union

European Investigative Journalism Conference 2008 Panel session: EU lobbying: throwing light on the hidden decision-making of the European Union Speakers: Erik Wesselius, moderator: Robert Sikkes Date: 22 November 2008 Reporter: Bart Biesemans Audience: 18 journalists EU-Commissaris Siim Kallas noemt hun invloed één grote mythe en Amerikaans onderzoeksjournalist Mark Schapiro vindt de macht die hun toegeschreven […]