How to look at minorities in Europe

European Investigative Journalism Conference 2008 Panel session: how to look at minorities in Europe Speakers: Mehmet Koksal and Pascal Verbeken. Moderator: Marleen Teugels Date: 21 November 2008 Reporter: Bart Biesemans Audience: 26 journalists N.B: The first paragraphs are in Dutch, but an English text – practical tips from Pascal Verbeken – follows below! Hoe schrijf […]

“Journalists have to be on the ball”

Interview with Derk-Jan Eppink, speaker at European Investigative Journalism Conference, Brussels BRUSSELS, 09/10/2008. “Journalists have to be inventive in obtaining information and grill those responsible.” –  says Derk-Jan Eppink author of the book “The life of a European Mandarin“.  On the European VVOJ conference he  will talk about what is happening behind the closed doors […]

“Who has power, who doesn’t and who’s loosing it?”

Interview with Mark Schapiro, speaker at European Investigative Journalism Conference, Brussels BRUSSELS, 10/10/2008. “Hold the power and use it to reveal things, … the power is increasingly in Brussels, and that is why this conference is extremely important.” – says Mark Schapiro author of the book Exposed – The Toxic Chemistry of Everyday Products and […]

How to survive the EU information jungle?

How to survive the EU information jungle? Every day the EU machinery spits out thousands of pages of information directly affecting the lives of millions of Europeans. On the web, facts and figures about European institutions and policies are bountiful – but how to find the most useful sites and the right documents, especially in […]

EU Lobbying

EU Lobbying: throwing light on the hidden side of EU decision-making An estimated 15,000 – 20,000 lobbyists are active in the capital of Europe. Most of these lobbyists represent corporate interests. This year the European Commission launched a voluntary register and code of conduct for lobbyists. Can it be of use to investigative journalists? What […]

European cash flow

The dark side of European cash flow How do you trace illegal cash flows? How do you deal with information from criminals and other dubious sources? Italian journalist and economist Loretta Napoleoni specializes in the informal and criminal money markets of Europe. She wrote, amongst others, the books ‘Rogue Economics‘ (2008) and ‘Terror Incorperated; Tracing […]

Life of a European Mandarin

For more than seven years, Derk-Jan Eppink (NL) worked as a senior official behind the scenes in the European Commission. The Commission is not well-known to the general public, but makes decisions which affect the daily lives of almost half a billion Europeans. Now that he has left the Commission to take up a new […]

Minorities in Europe

How to look at minorities in Europe? In times of globalization when towns all over the world are looking more and more identical journalists in the tradition of Truman Capote and Tom Woolfe are looking for their own identity and roots. Apparently with a lot of success. The ‘New Journalism’ of the seventies for some […]

Europe for beginners

Terwijl niet alleen de omvang maar ook de macht van Europa almaar groeit, daalt de opkomst voor Europese verkiezingen en referenda. De Europese burger lijkt nauwelijks geïnteresseerd in de instellingen die de lidstaten samenhouden én het democratisch gehalte van de Europese Unie moeten opkrikken. Hoe komt het dat nationale media amper aan Europa-verslaggeving doen? Wat […]

How to sell Europe?

Dutch bestselling author Geert Mak reaches an audiance of millions with his books and documentaries on Europe. Why is he succesful, while others fail to “sell Europe”? This workshop opens the discussion with our Key-note speaker. NOTE: language will be Dutch. Spreker: Geert Mak Moderator: Ad van Liempt When? Friday November 21st, 02.00 PM Where? […]