Software kan creativiteit belemmeren, zegt onderzoeker
Wat is de invloed van het gebruik van computers op het menselijk brein? In Dossier Onderzoek vertelt wetenschappelijk onderzoeker Christof van Nimwegen hoe software het functioneren van de menselijke hersenen beïnvloedt. Een must voor iedereen die doet aan Computer Assisted Reporting (CAR), tevens een centraal thema op de VVOJ-conferentie van 21-22 november 2008. VVOJ-redacteur Rachel […]
Online Polling
Journalists are always very keen to use data in news stories. Indeed, it is thanks to statistical information that political predictions and dramatic statements about the number and motives of ‘binge drinkers’ seem to make sense. However, two problems exist when using statistical information in news articles. The first one is the problem of misinterpretation. […]
Go get it, Google!
Learn how to formulate clever instructions for Google and endhance your chances that ‘the thing’ reports back with all the right answers. Trainer: Luuk Sengers
What meets the eye
This training gives basic tips and tricks for research to (historical) film-, photograph-, video- and sound files all-over-the world on the visible and invisible web. What are the best Internet sites? Blickx, European Film Gateway, Flickr, Pathe, IAMHIST, Internet Archive, Video Active. Which Google gadgets and other search tools you can use. A practical lesson […]
Online social networking
This session shows the immense possibilities of the social network sites for journalists who want to spice up their coverage with stories of real people. The data speak for themselves: Myspace (120 million users), Facebook (100 million), Linkedin (25 million). Also Dutch/Flemish social sites are very popular with Hyves counting more than 7 million users […]
A personal search engine
Build a personal search engine, that is better in finding what you’re looking for than Google. When we hear the the term “search engine”, the companies Google, Yahoo or the Russian Yandex may immediately come to mind. While these companies have immense resources and do a very good job of identifying web pages with specific […]
Domain games
Working with domain tools gives you a head start above normal reporter. Learn how to find out the newest sites and keep track of changes. (For experienced users). The Domain Name System (also known as DNS) is the naming protocol used identify nearly every server and service on the Internet. DNS is integral to the […]
Invisible reporting
Mask all your steps on the web and be invisible for authorities. Trainer: Arjan Dasselaar When? Saturday November 22nd, 9.00 AM Where? Erasmushogeschool, Room 1.09
CAR Programme
Working with data and publishing on the web: brand new CAR-features in Brussels VVOJ takes a different turn in Brussels: while governments slam their doors on reporters, warehouses full of data in Europe welcome dedicated diggers as never before. That’s why the computer training (CAR) sessions in Brussels will be packed with tools and techniques […]
Cross-border journalism
Cross-border journalism: opportunities or problems? Few journalists collaborate in investigative projects while working in different European member states. Investigative Reporters Network Europe tries to stimulate cross-border projects by organizing concrete cross-border laboratory experiments. In many fields the situation indeed differs from country to country. Is in such a context cross-border collaboration still possible? Is it […]